Monday, September 17, 2007

Re: [Anti-PETA] Fresno SPCA and Parvo

Yes, sheesh,well, I guess the short answer is, as always, this is the ar way of fazing out pet ownership. Make people get pound dogs they know are sick, to prevent people from getting healthy dogs from breeders or pet stores, decreasing the demand so that breeders eventually have to stop breeding and selling animals, and eventually the supply of pets runs out altogether - until the pounds import more sick animals from other countries and continue to make money off them and off people's ar-created heartbreak.
----- Original Message -----
From: Deenerz
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 1:27 PM
Subject: [Anti-PETA] Fresno SPCA and Parvo

Today while driving in to work I was listening to a talk show that features?a Lawyer, Len Tillem, that discusses legal issues with callers on the air.? Today he had a caller call in about three dogs he "adopted" from the Fresno SPCA.? This young U.S. Marine bought a dog a couple months ago and the dog ended up having Parvo.? The SPCA would not look at the dog so he had to go to an Emergency Vet as all other vets would not see the dog.? After extended treatment the dog died and he owes $3700. in Vet bills.

He then?"adopts" a second dog from the Fresno SPCA and the dog ends up with Kennel?Cough.? They gave him medication to treat the dog but the condition worsens,?and the SPCA tells him it will get worse before it gets better.? At 11:00 AM today the dog was put down.? The dog had pneumonia.

This young Marine complained to the Fresno SPCA about the two dogs and to make amends the SPCA gives him another dog.? This dog has PARVO!

Now why was it I am supposed to avoid people that breed dogs and buy one from a shelter?

I really want to know why our tax dollars are funding places that make animals diseased and we are emotionally black mailed into "Adopting" pets from them only to have our hearts broken.

I feel sad for this young man that wanted to "Do the right thing" and "Adopt" a dog from a shelter.

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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