Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Depths of Desperation Spammers Will Go

"I'll tell my spammer friends to stop spamming you if you put a link to my site
on yours."

No kidding, that's what this sorry jerk is proposing according to these

This Guy Will Ask Spammers To Stop...
WebProNews - Lexington,KY,USA
I know a lot of spammers and I will ask them not to post on your site. It
will reduce the volume of spam by 30-50% .In return Id like to ask you to
put a ...

Trust me, I KNOW spammers...
By xinit
I know a lot of spammers and I will ask them not to post on your site. It will
reduce the volume of spam by 30-50% .In return Id like to ask you to put a link
to my site on the index page of your site. The link will be small and your ...
bankrupt artist v.3

Comment on This Guy Is The Friend of Spammers! He Will Ask Them To ...
By Caydel
Somehow, it appears I managed to post it first... w00t! Although,

has the best write up.
Sphinn: Comments

What Will Blog Spammers Think Of Next
if you have a blog, you see the daily comment spam, but have you ever received
this kind of offer.

* * *

Full article:

hello , my name is Richard and I know you get a lot of spammy comments ,
I can help you with this problem . I know a lot of spammers and I will ask them
not to post on your site. It will reduce the volume of spam by 30-50% .In return
Id like to ask you to put a link to my site on the index page of your site. The
link will be small and your visitors will hardly notice it , its just done for
higher rankings in search engines. Contact me icq 454528835 or write me , i will give you my site url and you will give me yours
if you are interested. thank you

* * *

No deal, Rick, dude! I'm not spamming my own site with your link, and I don't
want anyone telling me what to put on my sites for any reason or in exchange for
anything. And if you know a lot of spammers and personally can contact them,
then why the heck aren't you really doing something to help isps rid the
internet of them? Doesn't say much for your own character, does it, hmmmm?

You're a spammer yourself, and if anything, in competition with the others.

Besides, if I refuse to put your lousy link up on my site, you could always do
the opposite of what you promise and actually spam on your own or get other
spammers to spam, which I have full confidence you would be petty enough to do.

So forget it, I'm not buying that load of rotten potatoes from you.

I'll just laugh at your pathetic attempt at boosting your ego by trying to get
the highest rankings in search engines. You have no life. I suggest you get one,

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