Friday, August 31, 2007

More Articles on Spammers

Here are more sites with articles about spammers and spam.

When I get the time to look them over, if there are some I'm really impressed
with, I'll post them here in their entirety.

Spam: There's No Canning It
BusinessWeek - USA
Regardless of how hard IT experts work to intercept the trillions of junk
e-mails that bombard hapless in-boxes, the spammers will find ways to
defeat them. ...

Spam & bounced email!
American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA
Spammers have become very creative. They now send under all types of false
pretenses to get you to open the email. It amazes me how much creativity
they ...

How Blog Spammers Do It
By Chuck
However, it seemed to attract spammers who abused it, which is even worse for
me, because it puts "Post by XXXXX and software by me" on the bottom of every
import, leading some people to believe that I am a spammer. ...

SPAMming the SPAMmers
By msalloum
SPAMmers are sending messages from outside the United States, which makes it
much harder than creating a law. Sending someone a SPAM email is not illegal;
forging another company's software is illegal. This will be discussed in the
next ...

Blog Spammers Posting Porn, Spyware Links to .Gov Sites
In a development that underscores one of the downsides to the greater
interactivity of the so-called Web 2.0 environment, forums on governmental and
educational websites are being exploited by blog spammers to spread spyware and

Dev Articles Forums - Form validation against spammers
Date: August 30th, 2007 12:31 PM - SnapCracker - Form validation against
spammers Post: Hi Does anyone know what the form validation component is called
that asks you type what you see in alphanumeric characters that look like
they're ...

Spammers Suck -They Hurt Usability!
Many Weblog publishers punish their fellow readers for something spammers do.
Spammers had blog owners close the comments. This article talks about this
stupid situation, where authors ask questions and readers cannot answer
(easily). ...

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