Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bad Facebook Group, Good Facebook Group.

Bad Facebook group:
The evil correlation between OTAKU, Metal and meat consumption
People are social creatures, they crave acceptance and meaning. To be ignored is to not exist at all, that is why many of the social dregs will willingly associate. As was demonstrated in Fritz Lang's 'M' such voyaging for acceptance can lead to formation of evil social grouping, dedicated to immoral acts. Back then criminals, pedophiles and corrupt social guardians roamed the streets, reigning havoc amongst the righteous, the innocent the pure.
While we are still plagued by such social cretins our society has devolved to include greater deviants, those who indulge in Neanderthal-ic noises they label 'Metal', the pathetic who label themselves 'OTAKU', and the majority of morons who consume meat.
The devastation of any of these on a separate basis is cause for alarm itself, but we can see these dregs nowadays collecting together.
My dear... the humanity! The utter utter horror...
Tsk Tsk
Vests, foreheads, boxes and GARs.......
Office: The realm of commonsense 
Good Facebook group:
The Evil Correlation Between Porn, Anti-theism and Animal Rights
People are social creatures, they crave acceptance and meaning. To be ignored is to not exist at all, that is why many of the social dregs will willingly associate. As was demonstrated in Fritz Lang's 'M' such voyaging for acceptance can lead to formation of evil social grouping, dedicated to immoral acts. Back then criminals, pedophiles and corrupt social guardians roamed the streets, reigning havoc amongst the righteous, the innocent, the pure.
While we are still plagued by such social cretins, our society has devolved to include greater varieties of the same deviants, those who indulge in BDSM, violent porn, promiscuous sex, hoax, rumors/malicious gossip originators, frame-ups, set-ups, police using excessive force, anti-God religions, and animal rights.
The devastation of any of these on a separate basis is cause for alarm itself, but we can see these dregs nowadays collecting together.
My dear... the humanity! The utter utter horror...
Office: The realm of reason and common sense 

Friday, March 7, 2008

Great Article But Off Base with the Christian and Jew References - Will The Violence Ever End?

In fact, instead of comparing the environmentalists and anti-abortion extremists to Christian and Jewish martyrs, I would've compared these extremist groups to the Romans who persecuted the Jews and Christians, as well as to the depraved misguided idiots that thought of themselves as Christians while going around participating in the inquisition, the crusades and witch-hunts.
Because the martyrs didn't commit the violence as the activists of today do and support. The persecutors did. I don't know of one anti-abortionist or environmentalist who died for their cause. They The most radical of these extremists try to kill everybody else instead so that's not exactly the same as a martyr now is it?
Otherwise, this article has it just about right.
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Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 1:28 PM
Subject: ConsumerFreedom Will The Violence Ever End?

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Animal Rights March 7, 2008
Will The Violence Ever End?

Will The Violence Ever End?

Pity Briana Waters, maybe just a little bit. As she sat waiting for a jury to render a verdict in her Seattle eco-terror arson trial, another Earth Liberation Front conflagration reminded practically everyone in the Evergreen State that violence motivated by environmentalism is a serious, serious problem. Yesterday that jury convicted Waters for her role in the 2001 firebombing of the University of Washington's Center for Urban Horticulture. She faces between five and 20 years behind bars. Less than 200 miles away in Oregon, Michael "Tre Arrow" Scarpitti faces an even longer sentence for allegedly bombing a construction company in 2001. He was extradited from Canada this week after four years of legal wrangling.

What makes single-issue activists tip their mental scales in the direction of explosive devices? Newsweek asked Portland State University emeritus criminology professor Gary Perlstein to weigh in yesterday:

If their cause is to save the environment, how does burning houses, and thereby releasing carbon and toxins into the atmosphere, help achieve that goal?
It's just as logical as the radical anti-abortion activists who killed abortion doctors because they're against murder. We're not dealing with logic; we're dealing with emotional feelings.

How deep-seated are these emotions?
To these people the environmental issues have become a religion. It's beyond the mind. It's beyond even emotion. We're talking about something that's become a religious thing to them the same way people would die rather than give up Christianity or the way the Jews at Masada would not surrender to the Romans. This is the same type of fervor that we're dealing with.

What would you say has been the ELF's biggest "success"?
They've had basically no success. They make people who might be more caring about the environment a little more upset because they commit violent acts.

What can be done to stop groups like the ELF?
What we need to do is very hard because we need to train law enforcement on both the federal and local levels to think in an entirely new way. It's the same as if you asked me about fighting Al Qaeda.

All of this, of course, applies equally to animal-rights-motivated violence. With arsonist par excellence Rodney Coronado back in jail for teaching activists how to build firebombs, and most of the "SHAC 7" serving federal terrorism sentences, it's tempting to believe most targets of the Animal Liberation Front and similar groups are out of the woods. Don't believe it. Animal-rights violence is still a global menace. One look at this website should be enough to persuade anyone.

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